Thursday, June 12, 2014

New Doug Voice album coming soon

I've  been  working  on a  double vocal  album  for  a  long  time and  I'm  in  the  process  of  mixing it and recording some tracks  as  I  go  along .....I was  shooting  for  January 1, 2014  for  a  release but didn't get it  finished and  now  the  nice  weather  is  here  in Winnipeg and  it's  getting harder to stay  in doors  and  work  on it  ...the  sunny weather  keeps  calling  me "  Doug , Come out  and  play!!! " .......There  will be around 35 or so  tracks on this one and I think I'll start listing the song titles in another  blog......anyways  that's  a  short  update  on   my  new  music  album .........any  questions??

Friday, May 16, 2014

Can you name people in billy joel's photo -

can you name all these  people  with  Billy  Joel on his  birthday??? [ May 9, 1949 ]

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Doug Voice song is # 58 on Neil Young's "Living With War" Site

it's feb 25/14 and I went to Neil Young's site called "Living With War" and I found my song "And the War Goes On" at # 58 !!!......    

LYRICS to "And the War Goes On "
Mothers die and babies cry
And the war goes on
A country's fate when brothers hate
And the war goes on
Amputies and refugees
And the war goes on
When will it end the devil's den
And the war goes on
Something's got to change.
World war one the Gatlin gun
And the war goes on
World war two they gassed many Jews
And the war goes on
The atom bomb and Vietnam
And the war goes on
Nine a eleven dead men at 27
And the war goes on
Something's got to change
Corrupt magistrates, trying to get thru heavens gates
And the war goes on
They can't get in, too much sin,
And the war goes on
Poor people shout, were throwing things out
And the war goes on
Homeless in the streets,begging at peoples feet
And the war goes on
Somethings got to change
Iraq, Iran, Pakistan
And the war goes on
Terrorist plots, Arabian yachts
And the war goes on
Poverty and aids, rebels and renegades
And the war goes on
World war three and still no body free
And the war goes on
Somethings got to change
Maybe it's you and me

Monday, February 17, 2014

Doug Voice song #559 on Neil Young's "Living with War " website

It's Feb 17/14 and I went to Neil Young's "Living With War" site and my song "And the War Goes On " is listed at #559 out of 3590 can be heard at soundcloud or at the link at the neil young site......