Saturday, January 26, 2013

FULL LENGTH MOVIES - All Free (playlist)

I wrote and recorded a song last night

I wrote a song on Jan 22/13 and recorded a demo of it last night . I haven't finalise a name for it just yet. I just got thru reading most of Neil Young's Bio : Waging Heavy Peace ......and i'm thinking that may have had an influence on me . I listened to alot of his music and jammed it back in the 1960's-1970's. I was feeling kinda down so decided to write to cheer myself up and it worked ......after i finished the demo last night I did feel better ...I think it's just an average song but that doesn't really matter . I used a drum machine for the demo and would like to hear it with a drummer sometime as well as other musicians playing on it . The lyrics are about seeing someone who makes you feel good.

Friday, January 11, 2013

iTUNES SINGAPORE fan downloads "Bronson 44"

On Nov 15, 2012 a fan from iTunes - Singapore downloaded a Doug Voice song from "Jumping Through the World: Instrumental Music" called "Bronson 44" . I played guitar on this song ...................MANY THANKS FROM DOUG VOICE !!!!

Doug Voice | Jumping Through the World: Instrumental Music | CD Baby Music Store

Doug Voice | Jumping Through the World: Instrumental Music | CD Baby Music Store   2  of  these  songs  are  free  to  download