Saturday, February 23, 2013

Doug Voice | I've Come A Long Way | CD Baby Music Store

Doug Voice | I've Come A Long Way | CD Baby Music Store    The year  was  2007 , I recorded  this album..I still think some of  the  cuts  are pretty  good  tunes!!!   "How can  I  live  without  you" and "She so Beautiful " just to mention  a  few ......

Saturday, February 16, 2013

I have a new music album coming out soon ..instrumental songs

I have a new music album coming out very soon . I hope to release it March 1, 2013 ...Today I'm uploading some of the tracks. The album is a double instrumental cd of original songs , performed and written by me. ....The first album has 21 songs and the second album has 20 songs so 41 songs in total...I didn't release any music in 2012 and decided to try a double album ....sure is alot of work .......this collection of songs are electronic , blues , rock , jazz and classical influenced......I'm still working on the cover. Some of the pictures I've got don't seem to upload on cdbaby this time round. .... is my distributer and it with end up on my sites including iTunes and Amazon for download....You can expect to hear keyboards , guitars , drums , synthesizers and some sound effects on these original songs .....all recorded in my Pro Tools studio.......I suppose it sounds a bit like Pink Floyd , Santana , Alan Parson, Led Zepplin and a few others......

Friday, February 1, 2013

doug voice at


You Can't Rush Me   You Can't Rush Me
Doug Voice MP3 Music
5.0 out of 5 stars (1 customer review)
Price:  $8.99

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